Victoria Day Long Weekend is a sign that summer is just around the corner! What better way to celebrate the arrival of sunnier days than to host a Tea Party with family and friends! Too much of a hassle? Read on...

Besides the usual basic steps; such as deciding on a theme, planning your guest list, and sending the RSVP are a few tips for throwing a fun and easy Tea Party:

Tip 1: The Menu! Maximize your menu options with fewer ingredients.

Choosing versatile ingredients helps you save time and money while providing your guests with a favourable array of choices. Get creative with mixing and matching ingredients and be playful with the presentation, like a different way of cutting the bread (round, triangle, square) or the baguette (lengthwise or crosswise), use of toppings and seasonings.

Tip 2: Serve your menu in Single Serving Style (finger foods)!

Instead of making one large pie that requires serving plates and cutlery, it is less hassle and less cleaning up afterwards if the food is served in a single serving style. It will be less work for you and more fun for everyone!


Tip 3: Serve your tea in a Self-Serve style.

Let your guests help themselves with the teas! You can prepare a tea chest of various tea bags (check out our Pyramid Tea Bag Collections) or make the hot teas in a teapot. For the iced teas, the EVE glass carafe with the ice cooler is amazing because the ice cooler keeps your tea cold. When the ice melts, it stays in the tube so it won't dilute the taste of your beverage. Check this beauty out!


Easy Blueberry Cream Pie Filling

4 tsp Tea Desire Blueberry Cream
1/2 cup HOT water
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup whipping cream
Fresh blueberries - for topping


  1. Prepare the Blueberry Cream syrup:
    Steep the 4tsp Tea Desire Blueberry Cream in ½ cup hot water for 8 to 10minutes. Strain the tea in a small saucepan. Put on a stove on low heat, and add the ½ cup sugar. Stir until dissolved and leave the syrup to cool.
  2. Separately, whisk the whipping cream until soft peaks form with an electric mixer. Combine the blueberry cream syrup (make sure the syrup is fully cooled) with the whipped cream and fold them together.
  3. Fill the mini pie crusts with this blueberry cream filling, and add some blueberries for toppings. Enjoy!

May 19, 2022 — Heidi

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