cream of earl grey



Cream of Earl Grey is our customers' favourite tea blend. It's a delightful combination of black tea, rose petals, and a rich, smooth bergamot flavour. Additionally, it makes a delicious London Fog!

Ingredients: black tea, rose petals, creamy bergamot flavour.

This product is also available in our silken triangle bags, click here

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Brilliant and stunning with every sip

This remains one of the best teas that never disappoints- from its beautiful aroma to its smooth balance of cream and classic Earl’s Bergamot. The subtle flavour of rose pedals with black tea is a signature recipe of this Cream of Earl that refreshes the palate with every sip.

Smoothest Earl Grey Ever!

Something about the rose petals makes this tea so smooth. Perfect with a little cream and sugar.

Thank you.

Tammy Hartmann
BEST Cream of Earl Grey EVER!

I have been buying this tea for many years—it’s simply the BEST I’ve ever found. I have tried many other COEG teas from other stores and none can compare to that I buy from Tea Desire. It is how I start each and every day—tea, the ocean, and quiet time. Thank you.

Thank you Tammy for the 5 Star review - our Cream of Earl Grey is our #1 Best Seller!

Heather MacDonald
The Creamiest of Cream of Earl Grey

I too have tried many, many (far too many) other Cream of Earl Grey teas from other companies. Tea Desire's version has the perfect blend of black tea and bergamot while the heavenly smelling and flavourful vanilla-bourbon bits and rose petals elevate the flavour from delicious to decadent. While most people probably drink this tea black, I find that adding a touch of half-and-half highlights the creamy flavour and smooth texture of this tea. Makes drinking tea feel indulgent!

Tammy Hartmann
BEST tea and tea company

I have been a loyal patron of Tea Desire since they opened in 2005. Living on the Sunshine Coast (Gibsons, B.C.), it is SO GREAT to be able to enjoy not only the best service, but by far, the BEST TEA AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET! My favourite tea is of course, is their Cream of Earl Grey. I have tried COEG from many, many different tea companies and they simply cannot compare to the tea offered at Tea Desire. If you haven’t tried it yet, I would HIGHLY recommend it. There are so many fabulous teas they offer—so much tea, so little time. :)